The large crucibles and vats used in smelting systems are often moved by electric motors with various voltages and currents. Reliable uninterrupted power is required to prevent the molten metal from solidifying in these containers. The power supply or transformer grounding is often designed as ungrounded or resistance grounded. Bender fault location systems are available for both resistance grounded and ungrounded systems to quickly and automatically locates defective power circuits. Safety and uptime are both improved.
The power supply is critical to refining and smelting systems. The medium voltage supplied to the facility is transformed down to 480 V or 600 V and distributed through the facility via electrical cables or busbars often referred to as branch feeders. It is then either connected to loads or transformed to lower voltages. Depending on the system grounding either a Bender ISOMETER®s or RCMS residual current monitoring relays (ground-fault monitors) monitor these and help ensure continuous operation. Fault detection is only the first step in troubleshooting. The addition of downstream monitors and current sensors can allow quicker and safer location of ground faults. References mention that approximately 80-95% of the faults in a facility start as a phase-to-ground fault - making this time savings compound the return of investment.
Name | Category | Size | Language | Timestamp | D-/B-Number |
Product Overview ISOMETER®/ISOSCAN® | Product Overviews | 5.3 MB | EN | 2024/02/1616.02.2024 | |
Power Quality | Flyers | 468.0 KB | EN | 2022/12/1414.12.2022 | |
Insulation Fault Location - Planning and Setup | Technical Article | 112.4 KB | EN | 2019/05/1313.05.2019 | |
Electrical Safety in Control and Auxiliary Circuits | Technical Article | 632.6 KB | EN | 2019/05/1313.05.2019 | |
Electrical Safety in a Modern Nickel Smelting Plant | Technical Article | 358.8 KB | EN | 2019/05/1313.05.2019 |
Ground-fault detector for ungrounded AC/DC systems
Extension of the nominal voltage range of ISOMETER® iso685… series to AC 0…1150 V, DC 0…1760 V
Extension of the nominal voltage range of ISOMETER® iso685 series to AC, 3(N)AC 0...1650/0...1300 V
Extension of the nominal voltage range of ISOMETER® to AC 0...7200 V
The coupling device AGH675S-7/AGH675S-7MV15 is designed to extend the nominal voltage range of the ISOMETER® IRDH275BM-7 to AC/DC 0…15.5 kV
Extension of the nominal voltage range of ISOMETER® iso685.../IR420-D64 series to AC 0...12 kV
Monitor for use in high-resistance grounded systems
Recognizing connections – optimizing maintenance
Ground-fault detector for ungrounded AC/DC systems
Extension of the nominal voltage range of ISOMETER® iso685… series to AC 0…1150 V, DC 0…1760 V
Extension of the nominal voltage range of ISOMETER® iso685 series to AC, 3(N)AC 0...1650/0...1300 V
Extension of the nominal voltage range of ISOMETER® to AC 0...7200 V
The coupling device AGH675S-7/AGH675S-7MV15 is designed to extend the nominal voltage range of the ISOMETER® IRDH275BM-7 to AC/DC 0…15.5 kV
Extension of the nominal voltage range of ISOMETER® iso685.../IR420-D64 series to AC 0...12 kV
Monitor for use in high-resistance grounded systems
Recognizing connections – optimizing maintenance
Elektrische Sicherheit in Niederspannungsnetzen bis AC 1 000 V und DC 1 500 V – Geräte zum Prüfen, Messen oder Überwachen von Schutzmaßnahmen - Teil 8: Isolationsüberwachungsgeräte für IT-Systeme
Elektrische Sicherheit in Niederspannungsnetzen bis AC 1 000 V und DC 1 500 V – Geräte zum Prüfen, Messen oder Überwachen von Schutzmaßnahmen - Teil 9: Einrichtungen zur Isolationsfehlersuche in IT-Systemen
Elektrische Sicherheit in Niederspannungsnetzen bis 1000 V AC und 1500 V DC - Geräte zum Prüfen, Messen oder Steuern von Schutzsystemen - Teil 15: Anforderungen an die funktionale Sicherheit von Isolationssteuergeräten in IT-Systemen und Geräten zur Erkennung von Isolationsfehlern in IT-Systemen
Elektrische Ausrüstung von Feuerungsanlagen und zugehörige Einrichtungen - Teil 1: Bestimmungen für die Anwendungsplanung und Errichtung